Refrigerant Updates in 2025: Why Now Is the Best Time for an Upgrade

October 14th, 2024

From time to time, major advances occur in various fields, whether it’s psychology, paleontology, or HVAC manufacturing. When new information becomes available, new things become possible! And the HVAC industry has seen some major improvements in recent years. A lot of these improvements are making air conditioners and heat pumps more efficient and environmentally-friendly.

One such change is the types of refrigerants that can be made. Now that we don’t have to use less-efficient and environmentally-harmful types of refrigerant, a mandate is taking effect which will require HVAC manufacturers to use these newer, better refrigerants. While the 2025 refrigerant mandate has positive impacts, it does pose some challenges. Here’s how you and your air conditioner might be affected. 

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Your Business Needs a Commercial Plumbing Expert

September 16th, 2024

So many things can be done today by watching a quick DIY video. But don’t try to DIY your commercial plumbing! If you own a business or property, you can’t afford to take that risk. Amateur attempts at plumbing often lead to disaster, water damage, wasted money, and more. So should you leave plumbing jobs to your general building maintenance department? No!

What you need is a plumber, and there are two things you need that plumber to be. The first is experienced with commercial properties in general, and the second is knowledgeable about your property in particular. Here’s how your business will benefit from having a consistent, reliable commercial plumbing expert. 

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Stay Healthier and Happier with an Air Purifier

September 2nd, 2024

‘Tis the season to stay indoors more of the time, have kids bring germs home from school, and get exposed to many more colds, as well as the flu, Covid, and everything else. It’s challenging to stay healthy during the fall and winter, and breathing recirculated air that contains everyone else’s exhales and sneezes makes it very easy to get sick.

At this time of year, many people are considering how they might be able to cut down on their risk of illness and improve their well-being in the coming season, especially so their kids won’t miss school and their families will be able to celebrate the holidays without worry. What can you do to stay healthier and happier during cold and flu season? Consider an air purifier! Here’s what you should know.

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Is Your AC Short Cycling? Here’s What to Do

August 19th, 2024

Your air conditioner runs in cycles. The thermostat calls for cooling, the compressor kicks on, and the system runs for a little while before shutting off to wait for the next call for cooling. This should only be happening three or four times an hour. But sometimes it happens much too frequently. It could even be every three or four minutes! What’s going on?

This is called short cycling. It’s a symptom of a variety of potential root issues with your air conditioner. It will also be the cause of other problems if you don’t get it repaired promptly! Why is your AC short cycling? What should you do about it? How can you make sure it won’t happen again? We’ve got the info you need.

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Prep Your Home for AC Installation

August 5th, 2024

One question people often ask is how long AC replacement appointments take. And the answer is that it varies! Not very helpful, we know. But we do have something more helpful to offer: a checklist for how to get your home all ready for your installation appointment. When you prep your home for AC installation, the process will be faster and simpler, and you’ll be enjoying your new system sooner.

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Why Does My AC Have Ice on It?

July 22nd, 2024

Air conditioners make the air around them colder. The refrigerant which runs through the coils sucks the heat right out of your house. That means that the coils themselves are very cold. No wonder you sometimes see air conditioners with layers of ice developing on the coils! 

Unfortunately, that’s actually a very bad sign. Ice does not form on air conditioners during normal operation. The coils should be cold, yes, but they should also be absorbing heat, and thus never actually freezing. If your air conditioner has ice on it, what in the world is going on? What can you do about it? Does it need repair? We’ll investigate together.

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How Plumbers Locate Sneaky Leaks

July 8th, 2024

Sometimes, a plumbing leak is obvious. Water is dribbling out around the base of a faucet, for example, or the shower just doesn’t shut off all the way no matter what you do. Or it’s obvious in a dramatic, exciting, plumbing-emergency sort of way, with water gushing or spraying. But in other cases, a plumbing leak can be pretty sneaky.

There’s plumbing all throughout your walls. There are pipes under your floors. There are even pipes underneath the concrete foundation of your home. And if leaks occur in those places, they can do a lot of damage and waste a lot of water before you realize what’s going on. So what are the signs of a hidden leak? And how do plumbers locate sneaky leaks so they can repair them? We’ve got the info you need right here.

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What to Look for in an HVAC Contractor

June 24th, 2024

Your HVAC system is like your home’s heart and lungs. It is so critical to your home being safe and comfortable that you really can’t take it for granted. You need to make sure that you’re caring for it properly. And just like you wouldn’t go to some guy whose ad you spotted when you need a cardiologist—you’d see an actual, qualified doctor—you can’t trust the care of your HVAC system to just anyone.

Unlike a doctor, who you’ve probably got some experience finding, and whose credentials, like a medical degree, are probably obvious to you, an HVAC professional might be more mysterious. What qualities are necessary in a great HVAC contractor? How can you determine whether someone has those qualities? We’ve got answers for you.

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Ways an HVAC Contractor Can Help You Save Money on Cooling This Summer

June 10th, 2024

Energy is expensive, and the biggest consumer of energy in American homes is heating and cooling. Now, this isn’t an optional luxury. We need our homes to stay at a safe temperature, and we need to be comfortable enough to be productive and enjoy ourselves. So we can’t just say, forget it, I’m not going to heat or cool my home anymore. But we can do things to limit the cost!

How can you spend less money on cooling your home this summer? By running the air conditioner less. How will you manage to stay comfortable? With the help of professional HVAC technicians! Your HVAC contractor can provide services to help your air conditioner run more efficiently, in less time, and save you money. Here are the details.

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Dryer Vent Cleaning: A Job for the Pros

May 27th, 2024

Your dryer has a lint trap that must be cleaned after every load of laundry you dry. We’re sure you already knew this, and we very much hope you are diligent about doing that each and every time. But you might think that this is enough to prevent dryer lint buildup in the rest of the vent system for your dryer. You would be wrong, and you’re causing yourself unnecessary and serious problems!

Some of the lint that is produced by your clothing, sheets, towels, and more will work its way through the screen of the lint trap or, if your lint trap becomes clogged, will force its way around the edges of that screen. This lint will accumulate in your dryer vent, where hot, wet air is exhausted from your home. This vent needs to be cleaned by professionals. Here’s why.

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