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JD's Prompt Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

AC Compressor Damage: Should You Repair or Replace?


Well-maintained air conditioners are designed to last about 10-15 years, but throughout that time there are some issues that can befall it, whether it’s from natural wear and tear, a manufacturer defect, or some other type of event. Considering how much we need our AC systems to work reliably in this climate of ours, you want to take care of any of these issues right away.

One of these potential problems is a broken down compressor. While with other AC components replacement is typically the best option, replacing a compressor component can be very expensive, since it is the most expensive component of your air conditioner.

Consider the Expense of Your Compressor

The expense of your compressor unit is the main reason we typically suggest looking at your entire air conditioner and whether or not you should replace the whole system.

Before you make a final decision, however, you should definitely talk to a professional to get an accurate assessment of what’s going on with your system. The last thing you need, after all, is a misdiagnosed repair need. Fortunately, you don’t need to worry about that with us.

What a compressor does is that it compresses the refrigerant within the air conditioner, making the cooling process possible. If you already know you have a problem with the compressor, the first thing you’ll want to check is to see if your air conditioner is still under warranty.

If it is, then you do not need to worry about covering the cost of the compressor itself, and so a compressor replacement versus a complete air conditioner replacement may be your best option.

Of course, the likelihood of a compressor breaking down while your cooling system is still under warranty is pretty rare. So if you don’t have that warranty coverage, it’s time to talk about AC replacement.

There are many things to consider here, though. You’ll want to consider your budget for an installation as well as your budget if you’re paying for inefficient AC operation from month to month. You’ll also want to consider what it means to only replace the compressor versus the entire HVAC system. Replacing the compressor means replacing a big part of the AC system—the outdoor unit. And this unit is designed to work together with the indoor unit. So if the indoor unit is a lot older than the new outdoor unit, you can run into costly efficiency problems.

If your air conditioner is nearing a decade old and you’ve found yourself faced with this choice, it’s almost always more economically feasible to replace the entire cooling system. In the long run, this can be less costly, since today’s central air conditioners are highly efficient, and you have our team on your side to ensure you’re matched with the best one for your specific home and needs. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions you might have!

Contact JD’s Prompt Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning today for quality air conditioning services in Lubbock, TX.

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