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JD's Prompt Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

A Guide To Preventing Drain Clogs


It’s our hope that you can make it through your homeownership without ever experiencing a huge plumbing mishap. But it’s unrealistic to believe that you will never face a plumbing issue. Whether it’s the holiday season or the middle of summer, there are going to be times that you are harder on your plumbing system than others, and as a result, you may experience a plumbing problem or two–with drain clogs being at the top of the list for common plumbing repair calls we receive. 

We’re going to start by saying that if you do have a drain clog, the last thing you want to do is reach for that bottle of chemical drain cleaner you got at the store. These “solutions” are actually quite caustic, with chemicals that cause corrosion and leaks over time. Additionally, these chemical liquid drain cleaners don’t flush all the way out of your plumbing system, so they can create future clogs themselves. 

When you do have a drain clog, you’ll want to contact a professional plumber to effectively relieve it and possibly even prevent it from occurring again. Plus, there are things you can do to prevent drain clogs on your own, too. Read on to learn more!

Utilize a Drain Cover

The most common causes of drain clogs include things like soap scum and scaling from hard water. In the bathroom, hair is also an issue. And in the kitchen, FOG is a dangerous culprit. FOG stands for fats, oils, and grease and can have dastardly consequences on your kitchen sink drain pipe…. As can anything that expands with water like pasta, rice, or coffee grounds. 

Using a drain cover, however, and then discarding debris afterward is essential to protecting the drains and avoiding the need for unexpected drain cleaning. 

Keep FOG Out of Your Kitchen Sink

As we just mentioned, FOG is fats, oils and grease–the byproducts of cooking. Unfortunately, too many people dump this down the kitchen sink without really considering that just because it’s a liquid at first, doesn’t mean the drain is the best place for it. 

The problem with FOG is that it hardens as it cools down. This can build up on the interior walls of the pipes, creating clogs. It’s better to pour FOG into a disposable receptacle and throw it away once it cools down and hardens. 

If FOG does happen to make its way down your kitchen sink, run some hot water down the sink drain for about a minute, and this can help a bit. 

Don’t Flush Anything Except Toilet Paper

You’ll see in many stores that some products such as baby wipes and makeup remover wipes are marketed as “flushable.” While they do break down faster than “non-flushable” wipes, they still don’t break down and disintegrate all the way like toilet paper does. 

Therefore, they can create clogs. It’s best to avoid flushing anything except waste and toilet paper to avoid any problems. 

For expert drain and sewer services in Lubbock, TX, don’t hesitate to contact JD’s Prompt Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning!

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