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JD's Prompt Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

3 Plumbing Issues to Avoid With Kids


As responsible adults, we’re capable of considering complex consequences. We can make good choices based on a long-term understanding of what those choices might result in. However, we might have people living in our homes who are incapable of considering consequences, people who simply do whatever crosses their minds without any thought process. Who are these people? Your children.

Many of the plumbing problems that occur in households with children are, in fact, directly caused by the children. What kinds of plumbing issues are kids most likely to cause? How can you avoid those problems? We’ve got you covered. Here’s the info you need.

Issue #1: Clogged Toilets

Of course, we all try to supervise our toddlers every second. But anyone who has spent more than an hour with a toddler knows that it’s impossible. And many toddlers really love to explore the toilet, especially the flush handle. It’s all too easy to end up with anything from a huge wad of toilet paper to a collection of bath toys to end up wedged deep in the inner workings of your toilet.

The Solution: A Toilet Lock

For around fifteen dollars, you can buy a simple childproofing gadget called a toilet lock. This holds a toilet shut in a way that a toddler can’t open. By using one of these, you can keep your toilet safe from clogs and your rubber ducks safe from a very unfortunate fate. Pro tip: don’t let your toddler watch you unlock it! They’re fast learners.

Issue #2: Clogged Shower Drains

An adult uses only the amount of soap that they actually need. An adult might also remember to gather their shed hair and throw it in the trash can. But children, even teenagers, might not be so careful. Excess soap and tangles of hair can clog a shower drain in pretty short order.

The Solution: A Drain Cover

A mesh drain cover will capture much of the soap and all of the hair so it won’t end up down inside the drain. You simply have to remember to clean it out frequently.

Issue #3: Gradual Sink Drain Buildup

It’s a common parenting refrain: you have to lower your standards about chores, so that your child can learn to do them and take pride in their work. But what about teaching your kids to do the dishes? Yes, it’s still important to avoid nitpicking and let them do an imperfect job as they learn. But that could mean that bits of food—and perhaps worst of all, grease—slither down the drain.

The Solution: Annual Plumbing Services

You don’t have to wait until a big problem occurs to have your plumbing cared for! Having preventative plumbing service in Littlefield, TX done each year can make it so you never have to deal with those big clogs at all. Your plumber can perform drain cleaning and get rid of all that gradual buildup of decomposing food residue and cold, hardening grease. 

Whatever your concerns or questions about your plumbing, don’t hesitate to reach out!

JD’s Prompt Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning serves the Lubbock area. Contact us for all your plumbing needs.

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