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JD's Prompt Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Reminder: AC Maintenance Makes Summer So Much Better!


As the weather gets gorgeous and we start planning more outdoor activities, it’s easy to forget some of the things that should always be on our springtime to-do lists. But when spring turns into summer, and we need to cool off after those times outdoors, we’ll be relying on our air conditioners to bring us some much-needed relief. But will they be ready for the hard work of a Texas summer? There’s one way to make sure. Getting AC maintenance done should be at the top of your to-do list before the weather gets hot. Here’s why.

What Happens to Your Air Conditioner Without Maintenance

After working so hard last year, your air conditioner has accumulated some wear and tear and a lot of dust, and the moving parts are no longer so well-lubricated. This means it will operate less efficiently and less effectively: using more energy (and more money) to do its job more poorly. If there are any tiny issues that could be resolved with a minor adjustment, lack of maintenance will allow those issues to develop into serious problems, possibly leaving you waiting for repairs in a sweltering home in July. And because it’s working harder now to overcome the wear and tear and lack of lubrication, more strain will be put on the whole system. The component that will feel the strain most severely is the compressor, which pumps the refrigerant through the whole system, like the heart of your air conditioner’s body. And when that fails, it’s time to replace the air conditioner entirely.

What Happens to Your Air Conditioner With Maintenance

  • Restored Efficiency: The approximately 5% drop in efficiency each year can be remedied with maintenance.
  • Decreased Repair Needs: 85% of AC repairs can be avoided completely, because maintenance will decrease the pressure on the system and catch minor issues early.
  • Increased Comfort: With your air conditioner working as effectively as it possibly can, you’ll be cooler and more comfortable.
  • Decreased Utility Bills: A 5% drop in efficiency may not seem like it would have a huge impact on your bills, but 5% every year means that without maintenance you’ll be paying more and more for your cooling, and with maintenance, your bills will go back to normal.
  • Increased Lifespan: While an air conditioner that doesn’t get maintained may live only five to seven years (remember that poor compressor struggling to function), an air conditioner that has annual air conditioner maintenance in Levelland, TX can easily last for ten years, and sometimes even fifteen.
  • Maintained Warranty: Because of the nature of warranty agreements, your air conditioner’s manufacturer may pay for some of its needs over the years, such as parts, repair, or possibly even replacement if it doesn’t last as long as it should. But that’s only possible if you haven’t voided the warranty, and most warranty agreements require that the unit have professional maintenance done annually.

One More Thing to Do for Your Air Conditioner

In addition to scheduling professional maintenance, don’t forget to change your air conditioner’s air filter every month during the cooling season (and every three months if you’re not using the air conditioner as much). If it’s disposable, you can replace it. If it’s reusable, it can be washed. When it’s completely dry, pop it back in, and you’re good to go. Your air conditioner will thank you. 

JD’s Prompt Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning serves the Lubbock area. Contact us to schedule AC maintenance.

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