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JD's Prompt Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Have You Scheduled This Important Heating Service Yet?


Do you know when the best time of year is to schedule furnace maintenance? Many HVAC technicians, including the ones on our staff, will tell you that it’s fall. So, since it’s now winter, does it matter that you haven’t had maintenance done yet–is it too late?

Nope, it’s not too late! Actually, what’s much more important than the timing of your heating maintenance is the consistency of this service. We recommend fall because this is when HVAC pros are less busy with emergency service calls and therefore you’ll find it more convenient to schedule maintenance during this time. But it’s actually most important that you have maintenance done once a year.

On that note, if you have a heat pump system instead of a furnace, you’ll want maintenance done twice a year. But for now, we’re going to talk about why furnace tune-ups are so vital to your comfort, home performance, and efficiency.

Maintenance Improves Home Safety

This is the most important component of furnace maintenance, particularly if you have a gas-powered furnace system. This isn’t to say that gas furnaces are inherently dangerous… they’re not! However, if you don’t care for yours properly through routine maintenance, your gas furnace can become dangerous.

An improperly maintained heating system, whether electric or gas, creates a potential fire hazard. In fact, the National Fire Protection Association called heating equipment one of the leading causes of house fires. We really cannot stress how important it is to have your heater well maintained!

Another potential problem with improperly maintained gas furnaces is gas leaks. More specifically, carbon monoxide leaks are a real hazard. Carbon monoxide, or CO, is one of the leading causes of injury or even fatalities in a home. We don’t say this as a scare tactic, but simply to stress how important it is that your furnace is checked on a regular basis.

Maintenance Helps You Avoid Surprise Repair Needs

When temperatures drop low enough, the last thing you should have to do is scramble around to call for repair or even replacement because your furnace failed. We provide emergency services, however, wouldn’t it be great if you could avoid unpleasant surprises altogether?

This is possible, with routine professional maintenance, which gives your furnace the best chance of making it through the winter season without any service interruptions.

Maintenance can help you avoid up to 85% of the repairs your furnace may ever need throughout its useful service life.

Maintenance Extends Your System’s Useful Service Life

Speaking of that service life… it’s no secret that you’d like your heater to work as long as possible. And it can run for many decades. But it can’t work efficiently for many years without maintenance.

Maintenance helps your furnace retain up to 95% of its original efficiency rating throughout its 10-15 year useful service life.

If you have any questions or if you’re ready to learn more about what we do during maintenance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team!

JD’s Prompt Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning is your trusted resource for Levelland, TX furnace services and more! Contact us today.

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